Dental Implants - Expectations Vs Reality

December 25, 2019

A beautiful smile! Doesn’t it make you feel great?? We all love to reciprocate the same smile which gives a feeling of warmth.  Unfortunately, some of us hide our smiles or are conscious to smile due to our oral health. There are cases where people had to get teeth extracted due to decay. In other cases, accidents are the cause of a missing tooth or more. Are you one of those facing a similar problem?

Luckily, today we have solutions to most of our dental problems. Dental implants are one of the solutions to bring back your smile and confidence! There are several multi-specialties hospital near JLT where one can get consultation and treatment. Before you take any further action, let us find out more about dental implants.

Dental Implant Dubai

What Is A Dental Implant Procedure?

It is a surgical procedure in which artificial teeth are fixed in place of missing or decayed teeth. The dental implants look, feel and function like natural teeth. Their main components are the fixture which is inserted in the bone, the crown which is the artificial tooth and the abutment which is a connector between fixture and crown.

What Are the General Expectations?

  • The procedure could be done in one day.
  • Surgery is very painful.
  • Anyone could be a candidate for this procedure.
  • Implants last lifetime
  • Implants are maintenance-free as they are artificial
Dental Implant UAE

The Reality

  • In some cases, it is a very simple, same-day procedure. There are more complex cases where facial restructuring has to be done in multiple sittings. It also depends on the facilities at your dental provider.
  • Local anesthesia is given before the procedure. Many patients reported less pain as compared to tooth extraction. However, recovery may take longer if the post-procedure instructions are not followed. The recovery period differs from person to person depending on the procedure and psychological conditions.
  • Children need to wait till their jawbone is completely developed. Alternative treatments are advised for people with oral infections, lack of supportive bone and other health issues. 
  • Dental Implants may last for a long time if they adhere properly with the jawbone and no infections associated with the fusion of the implant and the jawbone. Smoking or chewing tobacco may also cause implant failure.
  • Implants need similar care as given to real teeth otherwise there is a chance of developing infections and diseases.


Any person, young or old with a missing tooth or more could be a candidate for the dental implant. Get your individualized plan from a dental provider.  He/ She will brief you on what to expect and answer all your questions and concerns.

What are you waiting for? Get consultation from a dental implant Dubai today.